I: Milano
6:03:00 PM
• English•
I've been on a 2 weeks long vacation to Provence. But as I love to see as many places as possible, I made a one day trips to Italy & Spain as well; precisely, I visited Milano (Italy) & Figueres (Spain). Not only they are really lovely, but there are super interesting museums as well, specially if you are an art freak like me. I don't want to make this post way too long so someone other than my mum could read it, so this time i'm focusing only on Milan. This is not my first time in this city situated in the north of Italy. Regardless, Duomo square never fails to take my breath away. Duomo itself is one of the most majestic building I've ever seen (and travelling around Europe, I've seen a lot of buildings, so that says something). The square is full of tourists (and pigeons), and usually someone plays some instrument or sings, so it's really lively, even with this heatwave. ![]() Another architectural extravaganza I love is Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. Part that's usually not on Instagram pics (so, under the ceiling) is full of luxury shops and restaurants. It's nice to have a walk there (lack of depth of my pockets doesn't allow me to actually enter them). ![]() My favorite part of this year's visit was Museo del Novecento or Museum of XX century, located on the same square, On uni I had a subject called The Italian literature of XX century (it's my favorite), and as it was all about artistic movements such as futurism and experimentalism; they were pushing the limits of every art discipline so I knew I'll be able to see works of my favorite artists I learned about on those classes, ad i did. You can see not only Italian artists such as Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, Fortunato Depero, Gino Severini, Carlo Carrà, Ardengo Soffici and Giorgio De Chirico, but big names such as Picasso or Modigliani, as well. ![]() If you're into modern and conceptual art, you'll like this museum; from big, bright colored paintings to unusual sculptures and works such as can with merde d'artista and exhibited air, you'll find everything you have never thought of.
The last floor is reserved for neon sculpture by Lucio Fontana, but the real star is the view on the whole Duomo square. It's one of the most beautiful views I've seen on this trip. I can't think of anything that will describe it well, so I'll just show you (see below the text). • Milan is not a historical city, it's the least Italian city out of all Italian cities. Other than Duomo and some other places, there's not much to see. I like it, but in my opinion, any period of time spent there longer than one day is too long. People there are really well dressed and it reminds me of Belgrade in a way. One day is perfect to soak Italian sun, have a nice walk & eat a gelato in the capital of Lombardia.
Next part (about Figueres) will be out on Saturday. In the meantime, you can find me on my instagram x | • Srpski• Upravo sam se vratila sa dvonedeljnog puta u Provansu. Ali pošto volim da obiđem sve što se obići može, svratila sam u još 2 grada, Milano (Italija) i Figueres (Španija). Osim što su oba grada divna, svaki na svoj način, imaju i jako zanimljive muzeje koje obavezno posetite, pogotovo ako ste ljubitelji umetnosti kao ja. Da mi post ne bi bio dugačak 3 kilometra i da bi ga neko možda i pročitao, danas ću pisati o Milanu. • Ovo mi nije prvi put u ovom gradu na severu Italije, ali bez obzira na to, trg Duomo me svaki put ostavi bez daha. Sam Duomo je po meni jedna od najveličanstvenijih građevina koje sam ikada videla (a videla sam ih mnogo putujući svuda po Evropi, tako da ta moja primedba nešto znači). Trg je pun turista (i golubova), a obično neko i svira, tako da je baš živo, čak i leti u podne kada sunce poprilično prži. ![]() Još jedna meni draga arhitektonska ekstravaganca je Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. Deo koji niko na Instagram ne slika (dakle, ispod tavanice) se sastoji od luksuznih prodavnica i restorana, pored kojih je lepo prošetati se (za sam ulazak je moj džep bio neoprostivo plitak). Moj omiljeni deo ovogodišnje posete je bio Museo del Novecento, iliti Muzej XX veka, koji se isto nalazi na trgu. Italijanska književnost XX veka je bila moj omiljeni predmet na fakultetu ove godine, a pošto se radi o pravcima kao što su futurizam i ekperimentalizam koji se kreću van okvira jedne umetnosti, znala sam da ću videti radove i osoba čiji rad volim, a za koje sam saznala na tim časovima. Pored italijanskih umetnika (Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, Fortunato Depero, Gino Severini, Carlo Carrà, Ardengo Soffici, Giorgio De Chirico) pojavljuju se i imena kao što su Picasso i Modigliani. ![]() Ako volite modernu i konceptualnu umetnost, volećete i ovaj muzej; od ogromnih slika punih jarkih boja, preko neobičnih, sirovo obrađnih skulptura do radova kao što su konzerva sa merde d'artista i postavka vazduha, tamo ćete naći sve što niste mogli da zamislite.
Poslednji sprat rezervisan je za neonsku skulpturu umetnika Lucia Fontane, ali je ona u senci pogleda na ceo trg Duomo koji se vidi odatle, jedan od najlepših koji sam videla na ovom putovanju. Ne mogu da smislim ništa pametno što bi taj pogled opisalo, pa ću vam samo pokazati (postavila sam je ispod teksta). • Milano nije istorijski grad, čak je najmanje italijanski od svih italijanskih gradova. Osim trga Duomo i još par mesta, nema mnogo toga što može da se obiđe. Meni je on simpatičan, ali nije baš za višenedeljnu posetu. Ili višednevnu. Podseća pomalo na Beograd, osim što su ljudi običeni sa ukusom i bez uniformisanosti. Jedan dan je po meni idealno za upiti italijansko sunce, prošetati se i pojesti gelato u glavnom gradu Lombardije.
P.S. Treba otići i u kineski restoran (nažalost ne mogu da se setim naziva, znam samo da je blizu kanala; pokušala sam da ga nađem na bratu Guglu ali bezuspešno #NikadOdMeneInfluenser). Potpuno su drugačiji od kineskih restorana ovde u Srbiji; služe hranu mnogo egzotičniju od piletine i pirinča (kao što to rade ovde) - pečena patka, kineski ravioli na pari, ljuta supa, posebno pripremljeni patlidžan itd. Oduševljena sam. Sledeći deo (pisaću o Španiji i Figueresu) očekujte u subotu, a do tad me možete naći na instagramu x |
Firstly, I love that you've written this post in both languages, that's super clever :) Secondly, it sounds like you had an AMAZING trip! x
ReplyDeleteThank you! I did have an amazing time x
DeleteThat's so good that you did some day trips while you were away, I'd love to visit more places in Italy x
ReplyDeleteMe too! I've already been 4 times there (5 in December) but it's never enough 😂
DeleteOh beautiful Milano. I've been there a few times and totally loved everything about it. From fashion, cafes, to the beautiful architecture. Your pictures are stunning.
ReplyDeleteThank you! x
DeleteI am going to Italy next month and I love the sound of the Museo del Novecento and how it correlates with a subject you took in uni. Experimentalism sounds fascinating x
ReplyDeleteThat's great! Where in Italy are you going? :)
DeleteI love that you write it in two languages, that makes it very unique and interesting! And your trip to Milano seemed like a fun one!
ReplyDeleteThank you! It was fun :)
DeleteI also got to visit Milan on a short trip few years back but that couldn't stop my excitement for exploring it and being a part of it. We had lunch at a restaurant in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, it was one of the best meals I had on that trip. Of course, I didn't shop at any of the stores there... :D :D
ReplyDeleteIt must have been great! :)
DeleteBeautifully captured Milano..You have written it in two different languages that's what makes your blogging style unique. Truly speaking..this is the first time that I'm seeing your blog and the way you write is simply amazing.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm glad you like it <3
DeleteIt looks like it was such a great trip. And the square looks amazing as you said. It's too bad you didn't have the money to go into some of those places. But It looked like the walk was just as beautiful anyway.
ReplyDeleteIt was :)
DeleteI failed to go to Milan on so many occasions. I have even bought the tickets and I lost them because it was a cheap airline so I couldn`t change them or refund them.