II: Figueres
3:48:00 PM
(I accidentally added the third column and I don't know how to remove it as I'm not bffs with the HTML, so just ignore it / Slučajno dodah treću kolonu i ne znam kako da je sklonim jer HTML i ja nismo baš najbolji drugari tako da je samo izignorišite)
![]() •English• Next one is a city of Dali, sun and flies. It's situated on the North, close to the border; it's also not far from Barcelona, so if you happen to go there, don't miss the opportunity to visit Figueres as well. I'll talk the most about the first thing I mentioned because, despite the strong presence of both sun and flies, his museum left the biggest impression on me. It's weird, sometimes bizzare and genius, just like Dali humself. He was involved in creating the museum; he chose the place of an old theater which he visited as a child and where his works were exhibited for the first time; it was later destroyed. That's where he was buried as well (yes.. his tomb is one of the showpieces), ![]() Then you'll exit the pleasant darkness of the museum and meet the hot, blinding Spanish sun. And if you still have the stregth, wander around the city. ![]() Good news: there are many things to see nearby and what I believe s a main street is just a few minutes away. Bad news: when I said hot, blinging Spanish sun I really meant hot. ![]() ![]() I've never been to Spain before so i really enjoyed the srchitecture, listening to their language and just spening the time in this little city probably at that time occupied by siesta. The thing I haven't particularly enjoyed are the flies, insanely dedicated to fly down on you if they notice you haven't moved for 0,76 seconds.
First part of the Roadtrip2017 series: Milan Next part (where I'll actually write about Provence) will be up on Wednesday, and untill then you can fid me on my instagram x | •Srpski• Sledeći na redu je grad Dalija, sunca i muva. Nalazi se na samom severu, vrlo blizu granice sa Francuskom, a nije daleko ni od Barselone, tako da ako vas put nanese tamo obavezno svratite. Zadržaću se najviše na prvoj pomenutoj komponenti jer, i pored snažnog prisustva i sunca i muva, na mene je njegov muzej ostavio najjači utisak. Čudan je, na momente bizaran i genijalan, baš kao i sam Dali. On je učestvovao u stvaranju muzeja; izabrao je mesto starog teatra koji je posećivao kao dete i gde su njegovi radovi prvi put izloženi, koji je kasnije srušen. Na tom mestu je i sahranjen (da.. jedan od eksponata u muzeju je i njegov grob).
![]() Obilazeći, prolazite kroz lavirint hodnika i prostorija, gvirite kroz prozorčiće i penjete se uz stepenice da bi ste videli postavke, žmirkate u mraku okruženi njegovom zbirkom nakita (izloženih na ogromnim, delimično obrađenim kristalima #samoskromno) i prolazite kroz razne faze Dalijevog stvaralaštva. Ako volite realizam i tipične galerije gde nema mesta iznanađenjima, ovo nije muzej za vas. ![]() ![]() Loša vest: Kad sam rekla vrelo, blještavo špansko sunce, zaista sam mislila vrelo. Nikad ranije nisam bila u Španiji tako da sam uživala u arhitekturi, da slušam njihov jezik i generalno provodim vreme u gradiću verovatno u to vreme većinski zaokupljenim siestom. Ono u čemu nisam uživala su muve vrlo posvećene tome da slete na tebe ako primete da se nisi pomerio više od 0,76 sekundi. Volela bih da sam ostala duže (konstantna tema ovog putovanja) u Španiji, ali así es la vida. Vratiću se. ![]() Prvi deo Roadtrip2017 serije: Milano Sledeći deo (krećem da pišem o samoj Provansi) očekujte u sredu, a do tad me možete naći na instagramu x |