
Three little birds and two happy thoughts

10:25:00 PM

• Tranquility - I love how that word sounds, but above all, I like how that word feels.
It's listening to the rain outside when you're cuddled up in the blanket in your warm home.
It's finally making that bubble bath and lighting up lavender scented candle.
It's dedicating time to make art.
It's lying in the grass in the summer with your dog.
It's hearing your old favorite song after a long time.
It's finally seeing the ocean after a 10 hour road trip.
It's the sound of the waves.
It's making breakfast in your pajamas while singing along to the radio.
It's sitting outside, drinking coffee and feeling the sun on your back.
It's the smell of tea and books.
It's falling asleep and not setting an alarm for tomorrow morning.
It's listening to the sound of your best friend's voice talking about your memories.
It's finally hugging your pillow after a long day.
It's believing, even just for a moment, that every little thing is gonna be alright.

I watched a Woody Allen's movie (Hannah and her sisters, if someone wonders x) and one thing he said hit me:
"I was so happy this morning, and then this happened!"
"You were miserable this morning."
"No, i was happy, but i didn't realize it!"
Logically, your next - or at least mine - thought is: am I happy (but i haven't realized it yet)? There could always be more money on your bank account, your skin could always be clearer and your waist smaller, you could always have better relationships and more friendships. You want more. And that's great. Being ambitious is great.
But after coming home frustrated because your car broke down, who thinks "Hey, at least I have house, and a car, and healthy legs that brought me home after that damn thing stopped working, and family that annoys me even more with million questions about what happened but they love me, and after all, how lucky I am to lose my mind because of something like this? Someone is worrying about how to stay alive". I don't think that. But I should. And you should too.
Gratitude is the key, folks. It could be better, yes, but it could as well be much, much worse. These are supposed  to be happy thought, i should stop being so cynical LIFE IS GREAT WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO LOOK AT IT FROM THE BRIGHT SIDE AND START REALIZING HOW MUCH YOU ACTUALLY HAVE

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  1. I felt relaxed and inspired when I read this post, which is how I feel when I listen to the Bob Marley song, too...I am grateful of the reminder to be positive! Thank you! <3

  2. Indeed a great reminder to be motivated in life and to have a positive outlook in life. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you liked it! Thanks for stopping by :)


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