Fragment from a book i’ll never write | Part 1

5:04:00 PM

I haven't been writing for so long. I decided to just start writing and see where will my mind and words bring me. They brought me to a long, long story which will be posted in series of fragments.
Scroll down for English version x

Išla je mokrim ulicama uspavanog grada. Kiša je opet padala. Nije imala kišobran, uvek zaboravi da ponese kišobran. Kosa joj je bila mokra a niz njen zeleni kaput se slivala voda. Bilo je i dalje prilično rano kad je stigla na stanicu.
Bilo joj je drago što se sklonila od kiše. Kupila je kafu, a onda je dovukla svoj mali kofer do jedinog slobodnog mesta za sednje i započela svoj još od detinjstva omiljeni ritual.
Postmatrala je ljude. Iako se još nije ni razdanilo, stanica je bila puna. Primećivala je način na koji hodaju, da li su im pokreti odsečni i nervozni ili opušteni, kako se oblače, gledala je njihov govor tela dok se obraćaju drugima i zamišljala kakav život vode.
Ispred nje je sedela devojka koja je izgledala iznervirano. Bila je obučeno u crno od glave do pete. Čak su joj i nokti bili nalakirani u crno. Imala je oštre crte lica i izgledala je kao lisica. Samo joj je kosa bila boje meda, u mekim loknama. Kuckala je nešto na svom telefonu (crnom, ako ste sumnjali).
Volela bi da veruje da je devojka skriveni tajni agent, ali zapravo je verovatno samo jedna od mnogih zaposlenih mladih ljudi koji su morali da odu daleko od kuće da bi im se uopšte pružila prilika da budu prezaposleni. I sad živi na relaciji između dva grada, a nije ni tamo ni onde. Da li više pripada igde? Bilo bi joj lakše da je tajni agent.
Malo dalje je sedela žena u srednjim godinama. U licu je bila pomalo sivkasta ali joj je kosa bila savršeno isfenirana i bila je u elegantnoj i svedenoj odeći. Imala je karirani kišobran u ruci i noktima (lepo izmanikiranim) je nervozno lupkala po njegovoj dršci. Pored nje je bio momak (njen sin?) koji je imao isti nos kao ona. On je imao i zelene oči i dugačke trepavice i sivi šal i ruku u zavoju. Pospano je gledao u daljinu.
Kuda su se oni zaputili? Sudeći po količini kofera, negde daleko.
Pored nje je sedeo star čovek, skitnica. Bio je umotan u nekada braon kaput, star i pun rupa. “Imaš li cigaretu?” pitao ju je, prekidajući njen tok misli.
“Aha.” (Nije volela da priča dok je posmatrala, to je ubijalo draž. A i ne možeš baš da zamišljaš kakav život ljudi vode dok pričaš o nekim desetim stvarima)
Svojim kratkim i debelim prstima je uzeo cigaretu, a upaljač je izgleda već imao.
Otpuhnuo je dim i uputio joj osmeh pun iznenađujuće belih zuba.
“Nema na čemu.”
“Mogu li da te pitam nešto?”
Nije želela da razgovara sa skitnicama. A ni sa bilo kim drugim. Želela je da sedi na neudobnoj klupi, pije svoju kafu i da se utopi u okolinu. Da je niko ne dira. Da bude deo nameštaja.
Ali bila je suviše fina da ga samo izignoriše, a i bilo joj je žao.
Još jednom je otpuhnuo dim i, ne okrećući se ka njoj, krenuo da priča.

(Odlomak romana koji nikad neću napisati - deo prvi. Ostatak očekujte uskoro)


She was walking down the wet streets. The city was still asleep. It was raining again and she didn’t have the umbrella, she always forgets to bring the umbrella. Her hair was soaking, as well as her green coat. It was still quite early when she arrived on the station.
She was glad she came inside, where it wasn’t raining. She bought coffee, dragged her little suitcase to only available seat and started her favorite ritual since childhood.
She watched people. It was still dark outside, but the station was full.
She was noticing the way they walk, talk, if their moves are relaxed or nervous, how they dress, their body language when they’re talking to others. She loved imagining their lives, what is their story and what do they dream about.
In front of her was sitting a pretty annoyed girl. She was wearing black from head to toe. Even her long nails were black. She had sharp features and kinda looked like a fox. Only her hair was honey blonde, soft and curly. She was looking at her phone (also black, if you wondered).
She wanted to believe she was a secret agent or something interesting like that. Truth was probably that she was just one of the too busy young persons, who had to leave their home to be given the chance to be too busy. And she was probably living in 2 cities, but she doesn’t belong to any of them anymore. Maybe it would be easier to be a secret agent.
Near her, there was middle aged woman. Her face was grey-ish but her hair was perfect and she wore elegant and classy clothes. She was tapping nervously on her big plaid umbrella with her perfectly manicured nails. Next to her there was a guy (her son?) who had the same nose as her. He also had green eyes and long eyelashes and grey scarf and broken hand. He stared at the distance sleepily.
Where were they going? According to number and size of their luggage, somewhere far away.
Next to her was an old man, a tramp. He was wrapped in an old coat that used to be brown, but at that point color was undefined. “Do you have a cigarette?” he asked, interrupting her line of thought.
“Yeah.” (She didn’t like to talk when she was observing, she couldn’t enjoy it as much. And you can’t really imagine how people live when you talk about some other things).
He took the cigarette with his short and fat fingers. He already had the lighter, He breathed out the smoke and smiled at her with his surprisingly white teeth,
“You’re welcome.”
“Can i ask you something?”
She didn’t want to talk to him. Or anyone else, for that matter. She wanted to sit on this uncomfortable bench, drink her coffee and pretend she’s part of the background. To be left alone. To pretend she’s part of the furniture.
But she was too nice to ignore him, and she fel sorry for him.
He breathed out the smoke once again, and, without looking at her, started talking.
(Fragment from a book i’ll never write - part 1. Part 2 coming soon.)

Other stories: Mr. Nobody2084.
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  1. Loving the vivid descriptions here! Would love to see you finish it. Although being a writer with unfinished books in her mind, maybe it's best to incubate them. Just keep writing them down :)

    1. Thank you! I'll definitely continue this story :)

  2. it ended so abruptly. what was the question?!

  3. I love reading stories like this, they're always very insightful. It's nice to go back to writing after a long time, it feels like you have so many ideas! Can't wait to read what's next!

  4. Dunja i have followed your blog before now and your writing skills are top notch, i can only wait for the next part of it all. good work..

  5. Beautiful words and descriptions. I want to read more!

  6. I wonder who she is? How old is she and where is she from? Why is she leaving? Where is she going to? Who is the man who talked to her? What is he going to tell her? Perhaps nothing, he is not a part of the plot, or perhaps he is going to tell a tale that is the real story you have in mind?

    Hope you continue with the next part, Dunja.

    1. You'll find your answers in the next part - coming soon :)

  7. Love reading bits and pieces of written work like this. Like I'm on your writing journey with you! Looking forward to the next one!

  8. This is a great start to what could be an even greater, longer story. Keep writing!

  9. I had to translate, you write very beautifully!

    1. But there is an English version of the story?
      Thank you! x

  10. Wow! This is such a great post. You're great at writing. Can't wait to read the next.

  11. You write beautifully! I feel like I was in the story, watching her on the other corner. lol. When's part 2 posting? lol. It's been a long time since I last read a book story, haha. But I like to read short stories like this. Keep it up! :)

    1. Thank you! Next part should be up next week x

  12. Love the flow of the story. And how it was written. Perhaps it would be more beautiful to read this from a book sold in a bookstore. But i would want to feel special and read the whole story here. Ihihi. I will wait for the continuation.

    1. Thanks :) I don't plan on writing a book, but life has its strange ways, maybe it will end up in bookstores haha

  13. I have lots of questions on the character, set up and more. I am dying to read the next part. Haha. I love this kind of conversation/story that giving me a bit of relaxation from different news all over the web. haha

    1. Your questions will be answered in next part(s), don't worry :)

  14. Great description on your story. Anyway, I'm wondering about the identity and the personality of the character. I can partially relate to her on the part that sometimes even if we don't want to talk to a person, we just say yes out of courtesy. I'm also wondering on what the man told her. Will it be worth her time? -Me-An Clemente of

  15. It's good that you got some time to write again. I also have unfinished manuscripts. Two of them are non-fiction. The other four are children's stories.

  16. Ahhhhh what is he going to be talking about??! Looking forward to reading the 2nd part 😊 Ree Love30

  17. Your writing kills are great! I felt like I was walking with her all the way! Looking forward to reading more!

  18. Beautiful story! Wonder what he'll ask her!

  19. Prelepo pises, imas talenta! Milsim da treba da napises taj roman :)

  20. I love this! I want to know the rest of the story as well :). You're a talented writer. Love it.

  21. Write the book! For what it's worth I think you have genuine talent.

  22. Keep writing Dunja !!Can`t wait to read part 2. So glad I discovered your blog. Love, Cat

  23. Great story! I can't wait to read the next part. My question is who's the character?

    1. Thank you! You'll find out in the next part :)

  24. Dunja, prosto sam oduševljena! Kad napišeš knjigu jednog dana (lično ću te naterati), prva ću je kupiti! Stil ti je tako lep, a opet lak za čitanje, progutala sam ovaj tekst u jednom zalogaju i iščekujem sledeći deo. Samo napred draga, sve najlepše!

  25. I think that you are really talented with this stuff. Keep doing and maybe, one day, you will publish a book yourself! :) ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ

    ♡ * Le blog de la Licorne * ♡

  26. So can't wait for part 2 now! You've inspired me to go sit in some bustling metropolis seat and people watch and report my observations!

  27. I love reading stories like this, you got great writing skills. xx

  28. Beautifully written story and it made me wanting to read more. Can't wait your next episode. I'm not very good in observation but would like to learn it.

  29. Ahhh thanks for sharing us this story. I can totally feel what the girl is feeling on her commute. Sometimes you really just don't want to be bothered.

    Can't wait for part 2!

  30. I want to read more ! go on write that book

  31. Great story, need to know whats next...NOW

  32. Wow, I could imagine I was there. I even tried reading it in your language at first and let's say I still need a little bit of work to reach the level where I would be able to fully understand everything. At least I know in which language I would be reading part two.
    Tina von S |

  33. gripping words cant wait to read part 2

  34. Really liked it. Love the presentation. Looking forward to the next part :)

  35. Wow great work. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful short story. You are such a great writer. Keep it up!!


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