Procrastination and eyeliner : get to know me
1:12:00 PMSince I reached this many views in less than 3 months, decided to make another get-to-know-me post about a girl who’s behind those post you read - a.k.a. myself. Enjoy some random things about me that are not useful at all. Hopefully someone will relate and i won’t be the only weirdo (but i’m fine if i am though).
1. My mood depends on music. If i listen to Beyonce i feel like a boss with diamond rings ready to take over the world, if i listen Lana Del Rey i feel like i’m sipping martini in a huge fur coat (although i’m against animal cruelty and i’d never actually wear one) in a retro bar, if I listen to Pink Floyd and feel like i’m in another dimension and i start thinking about super deep stuff, The Weeknd makes me wear all black and feel super badass and when Chet Faker is on i’m really calm and tranquil and in good mood.
2. I take pictures of literally everything I like. You wanted to just go for a walk? TOO BAD I HAVE TO TAKE PIC OF EVERY COOL BUILDING / FLOWER / RANDOM THING I SEE.
(Result is having thousands and thousands of pics in your phone that after a certain period of time you have to delete and maybe slightly annoyed friends - don’t do this)
3. I won’t be productive unless i have zillion things to do. I don’t know how to explain this.. If I have literally one ( number: 1) thing to do i’ll just procrastinate
and i won’t do it at the end, and if i have 7-10 things to do in a day i’ll probably do all of them plus that one or two i kept forgetting all week. I guess i can’t work if i’m not under pressure (and because i’m lazy so i’ll just wait for the last moment to do everything).
4. I draw and paint a lot (atelier i go to is basically my second home) but nothing i ever drew or painted will ever impress me as much as when my eyeliner turns out to be on fleek. Drawing eyeliner wings is hard ok
5. My all-time favorite song is Shine On You Crazy Diamond by Pink Floyd (all parts), it’s beyond words. If you have time listen to it (but you really need to have time because it lasts 25 minutes).
6. If I were an animal, i would be a koala because they spend 99% of their life eating and sleep and honestly if i didn’t have things to do i would probably to the same. Also they are cute but they can use their sharp teeth if they need to (SAME).
7. My favorite place on Earth is my bed, my second favorite is here:

Picture credits to person who posted it on flickr.
Claude Monet is my favorite artist ever and Water lilies are the most beautiful painting and this is just flawless (this is in Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris).
8. My basic life philosophy is “Don’t get bitter, just get better”. (thanks Drake)
9. I don’t like being around people who don’t understand sarcasm simply because sarcasm is 90% of my sense of humor (other 10% are stupid things that make me laugh for no apparent reason and saying “same” to random things that happen) and it’s tiring to explain yourself non stop or to be looked like an idiot. And it’s boring to be serious all the time.
10. I don’t like summer at all. It’s cool if you’re near the sea or the ocean, but if you’re in the city, it’s horrible. It’s zillion degrees, bugs are coming from 9th circle of hell, if you take a bus (specially those old ones) you’ll meet Satan personally in the form of the heat and smell inside, i get a headache from standing in the sun too long etc. I’d rather freeze.
BUT the good thing about summer is that I have time to travel and putting on clothes takes zero effort (unlike in winter when you need 847595 layers of clothes).
More random facts about me: click here.
Find me on: Instagram • Facebook
One thing truly stands out, in that you need to have a gazillion things to do to be productive. And it is like this, you belong to a group of people who tend to procrastinate if there is no sense of urgency and having only one thing to do does make a you think you have so much time that you could do that one thing another time.
ReplyDeleteGreat to know you better on this second post about yourself.
it is cool when you share things and habit that concern you to know you better,keep going
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I am a professional procrastinator, so I also need a zillion things to do, or else task #1 will never get done. However, I work pretty well under stress, which enables me to even more of a procrastinator. ugh, the struggle ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat facts about you. This is good post to know someone briefly and I have to agree that procrastination is my thing also unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteI love when I can know more about the person behind the blog because I can see so many similarities. I love how you said you have to have a million things or you won't get anything done! It is so true for me, too! I love the koala comparison!
ReplyDeleteHahaha you're hilarious! I can definitely relate to #3. And wow, congrats on 1,000 followers and 10k views!
ReplyDeleteI love how you wrote this. I felt like I was talking to a friend rather than reading a bio on someone. Congrats on all of the views! I'll definitely be coming back!
ReplyDeleteClaude Monet is my favorite artist, too
ReplyDeleteI feel you with applying eyeliner. How do people do it? I mean really... how do they do it? I always manage to get it everywhere but my eyelid.
ReplyDeleteI love summer! We are neighbors, so I know how summers can get very hot, but every time I am thinking it's too hot, I just remember the -20 degrees of winter and start smiling again. It's good to be summer!
Love this post! My music definitely dictates my mood too, which is why I need a playlist for every sort of mood! L'Orangerie in Paris is one of my favourite places too :)
ReplyDeleteI think we could get along really well because #2 is sooo me too! I also agree with #4, drawing eyeliner is the most difficult thing! X_X P.S. Congratulations on getting 10k in 3 months! :) That's amazing!!
ReplyDeleteWoah! I love your philosophy, "don't get bitter, just get better.". I'm a very optimistic person and yes, we can only get better with time if we look at the right perspective. Congratulations on your 10k views!!! Keep up the good work. Glad to know you through this post. BTW, I love painting, too! But I can't paint, haha. Hope I can do one, one day :) Cheers!
ReplyDeleteThat same problem of procrastination... Lol.. The good thing about reading blogs is you get to know the same people who are like you.. And you also get to know people who knows how to deal with getting things done right away. Lol. Nice to know more about you.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your quirky writing style. I'm a weirdo too! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWow, you've reached a real great goal. I envy you! Well done girl! Good to get to know you better, not bitter ;)
ReplyDeleteYou have your own style, I think that's what people love about you!
Hey there, great post! I love that you're being you and that you're open and proud to share it with all of us. Keep it up. That art museum sure looks beautiful. I'd love to go there as well. I'm sure I'll experience a lot of peace and serenity that would get the creative juices flowing.
ReplyDelete“Don’t get bitter, just get better”. I love this one too! Thanks for sharing. Great to get to know you. Keep it up! :-)
One of the thing I have to do all the time is listening to music, for me it just makes my day flows. Love the quote Don’t get bitter, just get better and that's really nice of you to truly write how you are.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha , you are a little chaot ! But a very lovable one , these imperfections make us the person we are ( makes sense ?) I mean , how boring are people that have their sh** together !Do what makes you happy ! Pink Floyd , oh yes !!! I like the idea , that you as an animal would be a koala ! Pretty cute :)
ReplyDeleteTotally relate. Especially #1 - I'm a huge music fan of so many genres and when ever I hear a line or someone say something I automatically relate the words to a song and start singing it in my head. I also love it if people are humorous and look on the bright side of life (sarcasm) and agree with the summer post too. Wish I lived near the beach and my whole world would be better off than living in the city. Hoping to land a dream job one day where I can live by a beach ;)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree with you about summer. I'm glad someone else sees it the way I do. I cant stay those hot muggy days when it seems like your breathing in nothing but thick pollution. Now at the beach.. that's a different story. Totally agree with you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the success of your blog! Reading about how you paint and draw, reminds me of how it was once my passion. I used to draw all the time to the point where I saw myself being an artist someday. Now I can't remember the last time I drew something. Funny how things change
ReplyDeleteI totally get the procrastination!! If I have a huge to do list I'm like a machine but when there's only one or two then I'll do anything to avoid them!
ReplyDeleteI totally get you! Music is also very important to me. It's my daily therapy. I'm not a fan of summer either. I like gloomy overcast days. although those doesnt make for good picture lighting. hehe.
ReplyDeleteOh my god ! Are we twinning ? Hell yeah we are ! my music and my camera are all I need and yeah food too :) reading this made me so happy, I don't know it just felt like talking to another me lol
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the views and followers, that's outstanding. Great article and admirable that you have opened up to leat your readers/followers get to know you more on a personal level. I stay in Scotland and hate when we get a bit of sun because it's never warm enough to really take advantage of it, plus when I sleep, I need my room to be cold so I can wrap up, so I prefer windy/cold days too!
ReplyDeleteDon't get bitter, just get better! I like that a lot. Move on, do something better. Nice mantra to live by.
ReplyDeleteI am a scorpion I feel like taking over the world all the time haha!
ReplyDeleteIf I didn't got my priorities done during my day, I don't feel motivated to do the rest, but I have to do them anyway. I can't say I relate to this, but I have my own weirdness in the same topics. Xx
Hahaha! I think everyone of us is a procrastinator who would work better in pressure. Unfortunately for me, I can't juggle time properly for the love of my life, so I still have 5 articles to create, a couple of reviews in a different site, two kids to take care of...
ReplyDeleteAnd a partridge in a pear tree.
Okay, corny joke, I know. ;)
Oh yeah, got moved as well with your random fact no.1 that your mood depends on what are you listening to. I'm kinda like that, but it's more a matter of if I want to be awake I'll listen to My chemical Romance, and if I want to be a better writer I listen to OPM which is more on the tagalog songs and bands. :)
Congrats on your page views! What a feat! :) I am so number 3 also. Haha! It's good to know about you on this post. :)
ReplyDeleteYay for your page views! And maaaan, I'd love to visit that Monet piece at least once in my life!
Unique personality. I love it. Love the fact that you love taking pictures. I am a fan of that to.Keep rocking YOU.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all congratulations that is quiet a milestone to achieve. You are awesome. You know I lobe painting too. It really calms me down. Reading more about you , I feel really more connected to you. Loved this post. :-)
I can totally relate to several of these things! And congrats on that big milestone for page views!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the views and comments, such a great milestone.Like you I always need a list of things to do, I will also procrastinate if I only have one task. I like posts that really tell you about the writer behind the blog. Was really nice to read a little about you!
ReplyDeleteI basically do most of the things you enumerated above! I so relate! I take pictures of basically everything, I sleep a lot too. ^^"
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your views! We are basically the same about taking pictures except that I take pictures mostly of food before eating it! He He He
ReplyDelete3, 9 and 10 - SAME! Hahahahaha
ReplyDeleteReally, congratulations on such an achievement and keep the good work. Also, Pink Floyd is one of my favourite bands of all time!!!
I can't help but laugh when you compare yourself to a Koala. Haha! I'd probably be a Koala too because I love eating and sleeping. I actually just ate and i'm feeling sleepy right now. Haha! What are the odds!!