Why are travellers my favorite kind of people
1:37:00 PM1. They are full of interesting stories.
“Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then it turns you into a storyteller”. I was never a fan of gossip and other superficial stories. If your definition of good time is going blackout drunk and that’s all you can talk about, i won’t exactly die to talk to you. I’d rather hear about your travel adventures, places you saw and that time you accidentally almost lost your flight / got robbed / died (this took kind of a morbid turn didn’t it).
2. You can learn from them.
While travelling, i met many people from all around the world. Most of them were also travellers. I loved talking with them and i always finished conversation with a new knowledge - about their culture, new places i had had no idea they even existed, or just a great tips for travelling. Sometimes they have amazing life stories that amuse you or great attitude and way of looking at things that inspire you. Also you can practice your English or other foreign language you know - there’s literally no downside.
3. They (usually) have a great personality.
As a traveller, you have to deal with a lot of things you weren’t exactly hoping for - delays, losing stuff, potential life threatening situations etc. At some point you learn to deal with them (without losing your mind). After getting to know other cultures and societies, you become more open-minded and tolerant. If you travel, you’re probably curious, comfortable with the unkown and adventurous. All of this doesn’t mean you’re a good person, but interesting? For sure.
4. “What’s there?”
When i was a kid, i wanted to play as far from the house as i can and to look what’s around every corner because i was curios to see “what’s there”. Now when i’m older, i travel because i want to see “what’s there”. I think everyone else who travels has that little and simple “what’s there” and is able to feel that rush of happiness when they wander around amazing new place or see a breath-taking view because we got our answer and it’s so much better than we expected. I want to be around people who are able to appreciate the moment and the beauty of it.
5. At the end, if you're not a traveller, here's why you should be (if you have the chance):

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People who travel are usually more open minded in my opinion. My best friend is from Romania and I love learning about different cultures. Is moving alot a traveler? Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteI agree With you. I have the same feeling with expats. People that lived in another country usually understand different cultures better. Which is really great! They have something deeper to tell and have learned lessons. It's a big step to move out of your country and its the same like traveling; leaving your comfort zone. Great post!
ReplyDeleteThat's why I love taking the train across country (US) Takes longer but you meet so many people.
ReplyDeleteI'd say people who talk to strangers probably are more friendly - that is taking away the scammers and all other kinds of bad people.
ReplyDeleteTravellers definitely could share a lot of interesting stories and experiences on places they have visited. And if you happen to love travelling, then that makes conversations interesting. You would have common interest to build a conversation on.
I love your post :) We, travelers, are beautiful people!
ReplyDeleteBut it doesn't mean that we should live in our own world and forgetting about all the other beautiful people out there :)
I love your article! I agree with you, people who travel have so many things to give! I like travelling myself, I like meeting new people, new cultures. Travelling opens your eyes and your heart!
ReplyDeleteI am very Jealous reading this as I didn't get the opportunity in my twenties to travel as I was a young parent, however I'm now a young parent of grown -up children and now intend to buy that pack pack and have some amazing adventures. Thanks you great read x
ReplyDeleteLoved the last part because of the mention of Kenya my beautiful country. Nice article full of advice for the travellers.
ReplyDeleteLoved the last part because of the mention of Kenya my beautiful country. Nice article full of advice for the travellers.
ReplyDeleteKnowing the world better makes people more tolerant.
ReplyDeleteEven though I have not had the opportunity to travel very much, I have noticed that fellow travelers do seem to be very open and friendly. They love to share their traveling adventures with even a complete stranger!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree! I love the stories that travelers have to share! -- Amy @ Amy @ https://www.thegiftedgabber.com
ReplyDeleteTravelers are great!! They always have so much knowledge and great stories.
ReplyDeleteIf only I had more courage to travel alone! >.< And actually interact with people! Travelers must be so cool! Surely there are a lot of things to learn from them!
ReplyDeleteI agree they have so much wisdom and unique knowledge that I feel like I am reborn again listening to travelers. It makes me feel at peace.
ReplyDeleteI love travelling and talking to travelers too! I really believe in the phrase "spend your money on experiences rather than things." Me too I avoid people who gossip and talk about others. So much better to talk about our own interesting experiences. It also makes one an interesting person because you learn from it in ways you do not at school. It also makes you more open minded and it relaxes the mind by giving it a break from the usual stresses of life
ReplyDeleteit is so easy for me to make conversation and friends when I am traveling rather than when I am home. It's so much easier to start talking to someone that is wearing a backpack and is waiting at the same bus station as you. I consider myself a traveler too (I have about 35 countries visited so far) and I hope I am the same as you described travelers in this post :)
ReplyDeleteI consider myself a traveler as I love to travel and I do travel every time I can :) plus I'm an expat and I can see your point here . Great read !
ReplyDeleteI love point 2. You really do learn alot from traveling and humbles you. I could cjhat about my traveling experiences the whole day. It just excites me. My next travel is to Prague to visit my sister!!!! i cannot wait ")
ReplyDeleteOh, I love that "what's there" notion, because you put into words what all travelers are looking for when they embark on these journeys. I know I definitely have that nagging question stuck in the back of my mind whenever I feel that wanderlust :)
ReplyDeleteyou are right! I always love the travel stories! :)
I have to agree with you. I love to hear other people travels. However, I think I like traveling better, hehe.
ReplyDeleteI am a traveler too. It is interesting how, I have encountered the same people in my travels. One time, I saw a couple in Amsterdam that I have encountered before in Asia! I have also met this German backpacker in the Philippines that I have also encountered in Hong Kong. Interestingly, despite billions of people in this planet, very few percentage are willing to be worldly nomads. Hence we will always encounter people of our kind, no matter how big the earth.
ReplyDeleteGreat points! Travelers are my favorite people too. I'll admit that I'm quite jealous of my traveler friends because I've been SO busy with school, I haven't been able to devote much time to exploring!
ReplyDeleteOk, so I'm a little biased because I am a traveller myself. But LOVED this post! I totally agree with you that travel changes your perspective on life. It makes you strong and more understanding.
ReplyDeleteI'd have to say that travelers are my kind of people as well. Just like how they're portrayed in the movies, they always have something to interesting and compelling to say. They have an interesting and unique outlook in life and are usually extremely passionate people which is a trait that I admire in people.
ReplyDeleteThese people are usually positive minded as well and confident people. That's the type of people I love surrounding myself with. That's the type of people anyone should surround themselves with.
I loved your post! Great job here. Thanks for sharing.
Couldn't agree with you more. I love to meet travelers aswell. So open minded and adventurous. That's why I also love working in tourism because I meet so many of them, and my friends with whom I work with have same interests as me so it's perfect. Have a great week!
Cheeers to all the travelers out there! I am one :) I agree, travelers have so much stories to tell. And I believe the personal stories of each traveler add hue to a destination. When we get old, the only thing we will never get tired of doing is to converse. And we travelers, will never run out of stories to tell :)
ReplyDeleteCheeers to all the travelers out there! I am one :) I agree, travelers have so much stories to tell. And I believe the personal stories of each traveler add hue to a destination. When we get old, the only thing we will never get tired of doing is to converse. And we travelers, will never run out of stories to tell :)
ReplyDeleteTraveling sure enrich your experience in life. The more you travel the more you see, the more it helps you to understand the differences of cultures, and people's characters.
ReplyDeleteVery true, I have a love/hate relationship with traveling. This is because I have little kids so I worry about their safety. I hope one day I can go explore the world.
ReplyDeleteTravelling gives you the kind of wisdom you can't get it from everywhere else. As a traveler myself i have seen and experience things that other people haven't. Is all about our wanderlust free untamed spirit.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this post, it gave me a better perspective of travellers, and spend time w/ them if I happen to meet one - Sonnie
ReplyDeleteI love this. My best friends are all over the world travelling too. I'm not sure if we got on so well because of what we have in common or if it's the kind of people they are - which is exactly what you say in your points!
ReplyDeleteI do love travellers too, and I do love your post. I'm actually out travelling at the moment, today in Prague :)
ReplyDeleteLove to travel back roads villages little cafes. Meet locals. All about seeing and learning something new
ReplyDeleteI love listening to stories of people's travels. Everyone sees the world differently and I enjoy listening to other perspectives :)
ReplyDeleteI am going to roam around the world after finishing my education .. Can't wait to personally visit the heavenly awesome places around the globe ��
ReplyDeleteBtw, great post �� keep writing ��
This is exactly why I love them! They're always great to have a conversation with and they always have amazing stories. Seriously this post is perfect.
I enjoy listening to other perspectives and I love learning about different cultures. I totally agree with you and this post is so true! Have a nice day!
ReplyDeleteYou are SO right! I really enjoy talking to the people who have travelled around the world. They are so much full of knowledge about different things.
ReplyDeleteFatima | www.blogsbyfa.com
I think making friends on the road is so much easier. Even if you spend brief moments you get to know them deeply.
ReplyDeleteI think making friends on the road is so much easier. Even if you spend brief moments you get to know them deeply.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right to rise above the superficial. You can find the most genuine friends with people you meet while traveling. It's so humbling!
ReplyDeleteTravel is food for the soul. Travel creates memories and make you richer in friends and experiences. Never stop travel. Never stop blogging your travel experiences
ReplyDeleteI have a few travelling friends and I absolutely love her stories that she has! x
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more with your post! Love travelers and their free spirits. Also, the quote at the end was amazing!!! It's so true how travel can change your whole perspective of the world you were so used to.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that I agree with you completely. I think people or tourists are wonderful people because they know so much of other cultures and they have different perspectives that you can learn from.
ReplyDeleteLove this posts. I love speaking to travellers about their journey. I've got such wanderlust right now.
ReplyDeleteAmi xxx
I totally agree with you. Travelers experienced how it feels like in a certain place and that what makes their stories interesting.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. Travelers experienced how it feels like in a certain place and that what makes their stories interesting.
ReplyDeleteNice piture
ReplyDeleteI believe that travel changes people, and travelers have indeed something unique in them. I like talking and being with fellow travelers because they are more open to new friendships, have developed a deep sense of social empathy from talking to locals in various places and are therefore more active in social programs and charities, and as you say have great stories to tell. :)
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more! I have found people who travel are also more open minded and socially aware.
ReplyDeleteWhen I travelled through Vietnam I stayed in a village that produced coffee for one of the world's largest international corporations. The people had nothing, lived on a dirt floors and yet they had everything to offer. This event inspired me to purchase products that were 'Fair Trade' to support these communities. Travel opens your eyes.
My sister travels and she has seen some amazing things, I am always green eyed when she is telling me about all the incredible things she has done. I have a toddler now and not much money so I don't think I will be travelling for a long time bar the odd family holiday
ReplyDeleteHi Dunja! So, I may be a little biased considering I'm a traveler myself, but I absolutely love this post. I agree with every single point you made. Travelers understand that education isn't something you can finish. They're always in search of the next thing. After all, curiosity is the best tour guide, right? Thanks for sharing this :)
ReplyDeleteI like seeing why travelers are your favorite people. I agree I think they are interesting and can offer a different perspective than anyone else. Loved your list of why you should travel, too, so you could be that interesting person!
ReplyDeleteTruly correct! When me and my husband is travelling, we'd love meeting new people who also loves to travel and explore. We learn a lot of new things from them, a lot of great adventures that they've been to. Oh.. how I miss travelling :)
ReplyDeleteSo true! I agree on your points. There's one more from me: I can talk to the travelers, they know so much and the conversations are usually very interesting. They know capital cities of the countries anusual destinations in almost all of them.