In the last post we discussed what is happiness. But how to achieve it? I consider myself a truly, genuinely happy person. Me and my life are a mess (just like everyone else - some are just better at hiding it), but i learned to deal with it. These are some things i personally think are important to live a happy life.
1. Make yourself your own best friend. That means that you should know yourself - without idealizing or hating. Be realistic. Know what makes you happy, what makes you sad, what comforts you. Don’t depend on others and wait for them to take care of you, make yourself feel good. Also take care of yourself, and if you need, tell yourself you’re being an idiot and you should stop doing something.
2. What others think of you is none of your business. You can’t completely stop caring for opinions of others, because humans are social beings. What you can do is stop letting opinions of others control you and your life. If someone is being mean to you, that means they’re unhappy themselves and by putting others down they try to make themselves feel better. Poor souls. When you put it like that, you’ll cope with negativity easier.
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
- Mark Twain
3. Find what you love and let it kill you. Well it doesn’t necessarily have to kill you, but find what makes you happy and makes you feel alive. Something that makes you feel like you have a purpose and fills your soul with fire, and then dedicate yourself to it.
4. Karma and forgiveness. I personally believe in karma - i like the idea that everyone will at some point, somewhere, somehow get what they deserve, good or bad, it doesn’t matter. I don’t plan revenge and get on lower level, instead i forgive and just let karma get them. That made me so much happier, because negative energy will get you nowhere and nothing good can come out of hate. If someone treats me badly i just leave, because truly i ain’t got any business there no more.
5. Silver lining. I strongly believe that there’s always something good in bad situations. There’s a reason why everything is happening the way it is, and if you didn’t get what you had wanted that’s probably because you’ll later get or earn something better… or at least you’ll learn valuable lesson (it’s happening to me all the time, this is not just something i found on tumblr). In fact, every good thing that happened to me, happened because of the way i dealt with something bad from the past.
6. Be grateful. It’s not about having everything, it’s about being satisfied with what you have. You have things some people can only dream of. Appreciate that. BUT that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing to work hard for what you want and be ambitious; it’s not, not at all.
7. Open your mind. Judgement and hate will get you nowhere good. Open your mind, listen what others have to say, don’t generalize, don’t assume something is wrong just because it’s different. Try to understand something that you’re not familiar with rather than being an absolute asshole and making someone feel bad for something they shouldn’t.
8. Escape the routine. I know you love your morning coffee or playing with your dog every time you come back from school or work. Some routines are lovely and they make us feel good; but if your life becomes a routine, that’s not so good.
“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life” - Robin Sharma
9. Learn. I don’t like studying (why would i be fan of wasting time in front of a book full of facts i’ll forget right after an exam) but i love learning, it’s beautiful. Be curious, discover, learn new skills. Grow.
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