“I can’t remember his name but he was a Libra“

10:39:00 AM

Sunset on Zlatibor

I thought i could make a post such as ‘facts about me’ so you can get to know me better. So.. my brain works very strangely, actually. Here are some random facts about me that are not useful at all. Please tell me i’m not the only one who does this.

1. I catch myself remembering ridiculous things such as color of the bike that was on the balcony of my best friend when i was five (it was red) but i can’t remember what i had for lunch yesterday.
When i meet someone, i will most likely not remember their name or who they are, but i will remember their birthday, zodiac sign, name of their dog, text on their t-shirt or their plans for the next day.
Also I always remember everyone’s birthdays BUT i never know what day is it today (moment when i finally stop being lost in space and time and check what date is it only to realize someone’s birthday passed 4 days ago happened to me more times than i want to admit). 

2. The things that catch my attention: I‘m focusing on details too much rather than the whole.
Once when i was coming home from school, i was in the bus, listening The Weeknd, minding my own business you know. At one point i noticed the eyes. They were the most beautiful eyes i’ve ever seen, dark and brown and warm and sparkly with little shadows around them. I didn’t even bother to look at the actual person the eyes were attached to (I spent rest of the ride trying not to look like a creep and stare).
When i started drawing more seriously, i had really hard time to stop paying attention to details only (HEY WHY WOULDN’T I SPENT 4 HOURS DRAWING ONE LEG SO THAT IT LOOKS PERFECT? REST OF THE BODY IS OUT OF PROPORTION BUT WHO CARES).

3. I LOVE trying new things. I’m the kind of person who will order the weirdest thing on the menu because it seems interesting and if it tastes like shit i will eat it anyway because i’m too stubborn and proud to admit my wild choice was slightly a mistake. My philosophy is, basically, “How will i know what is my favorite if i don’t try it all?” Which is maybe why i get bored way too fast so i need a change.

4. I’m incredibly unmotivated to do most of the things because i truly, from the bottom of my heart, don’t care. If something is important to me i will do literally everything for it to be exactly like i want it to, but for everything else? Nah. I’m also the queen of procrastination. (So basically my ability to memorize and learn fast is the only thing that got me through my education so far)
5. I don’t always have time to read books, but when i do, i read 2 at the same time. I use 5 lip balms, or 0. I meet all my friends in 2 days or i spend time only by myself for a week. I eat too much or barely something. I’m all dolled up or looking like heroine addict after spending a day running away from zombies through forest. I can listen to music that’s incredible and timeless or jam to mainstream songs that make no sense. I usually try to be nice, but i’m also shady and sarcastic and a little bit of an asshole. I can hang out with someone in extra fancy cafe or we can hang out in a park at 2 am, i don’t mind. I’m never grey. Either black or white, and i love both. *Hannah Montana theme song softly playing in the background*

6. I’m pretty chill and rarely jealous over people. BUT when it comes to music (call this i-think-i’m-a-special-snowflake hipster syndrome, i don’t care) i’m really possessive. I don’t want anyone who is in my opinion basic to listen to my favorite songs/albums/artists (and i do realize how ridiculous that sounds). For example, yesterday Rihanna dropped her new album ANTi after 3 years and i’m completely obsessed with Higher and Desperado and those are MY songs. Mine mine mine (i can’t help but to imagine fucking seagulls from Ice Age).
Not to mention that “I want them to succeed and become more famous but i on the other hand want them to be only mine” feeling when it comes to not so well known artists or bands. Stupid I KNOW but i can’t help it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Picture that doesn't match the text taken on Zlatibor 2015.

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  1. You are not alone! I guess that's because we focus to much on the details.
    Great post as always :)

  2. Great post, remember, try and look at everything as a whole, visually and mentally.

  3. I literally can relate to everything in this post lol especially 3 and 4! Nice post :)

    1. Haha glad that i'm not the only one :) Thanks!

  4. Interesting and fun way to provide insight about yourself!

  5. This post made me chuckle! I can relate to a whole lot being said here :)

  6. i am going to agree with 3 and 4 ..i am literally the same way ...will order weird dishes and end up eating anyways because hey i paid for it...

    1. Haha yeah.. and because i don't want "I told you" looks from friends/family or whoever i'm with 😂

  7. Excellent post. Can truly relate.

  8. This is so relatable!! Great post, very well-written

  9. This is HILARIOUS and HONEST and AWESOME! You should totally put this on a dating site and see what hits you get. Being genuine is the only way to go. Props to you my dear!

    1. Thank you so much!! xx Haha that would be fun

  10. I am totally the same way when it comes to remembering names!

  11. HAha. I am also a person of extremes. 0 lip balms or 20... Yes. 2 books or none. Yes...haha. I wish I were able to keep a bit more balance some times in my life.

  12. I loved this!
    I can relate #3 to me!

  13. I read like a couple of books at once too!

  14. Hahah I really like #5. I go in and out of times when I'm social or like my alone time too. I'm similar in not knowing people's names too. Sometimes I randomly meet and talk to people, get to know about their life but then never bothered to know their name.

  15. OMG its so relative...
    #1 and #6 is just literally me..
    great post, great blog.. i'll follow you! :)

  16. OMG its so relative...
    #1 and #6 is just literally me..
    great post, great blog.. i'll follow you! :)

  17. Other than the music thing we sound like we are really alike! Great read :)

  18. Trying new things is awesome! How else can you find out that Maroccan food is not for you? Great post!

  19. Great Post! I tend to remember the not-so-common things about a person or conversation too!

  20. Great post! I tend to remember the not-so-common things about a person or conversation too!

  21. I love seeing these posts and learning about others

  22. Duroticcusss,
    The title of this blog is so clever and attention grabbing, it's just fabulous!! You get better every day!! And as a friend of yours I can tell that I am really proud of you! I really like your blog posts and I think thay are funny.
    P.S. You know I wouldn't be reading it if it was some shit 😘

    1. Thanks so much Kurweeyana, i really appreciate that 😘❤️ P.S. Wondering why you like the title, not like you're a Libra haha

  23. Such an honest and hilarious post. 1, 2, and 3 are so me... Lovely post and I enjoyed reading it


  24. Ha ha, we all have our little quirky habits that make us different and that's so great. I sometimes manage to wear different socks of my feet without noticing later in the day! :)

    1. Haha me too, sometimes i don't even have time to find another sock so i just wear 2 different ones

  25. Great read!!! You're very interesting!! It's all good!!

  26. Such a fun article. I could relate to so many of those points.

  27. Wait..can we be best friends? 😳

  28. I love how personal this post is. There are few points that I can personally relate. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Rey | MODMENCO

  29. Dunja,

    This is a very nice post and telling us a little shows you are a person, rather than simply someone anonymous.

    As for focusing on the details, there is nothing wrong with that as long as you see the big picture.

    Keep writing and have fun!

  30. Blogging about personal life is so rare to find and I personally love it.

  31. This post is so relatable. Made me realise that there are many like me. Great post :)

  32. Girls love details. My wife is so focused on details too, that the relevance of bigger picture is lost in the process. But that's ok. You'll be good in numbers and your work we'll best be in audit, or IE. - Sonnie


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