Šta se desilo u 04:40 ujutru? | What happened at 04:40 am?

6:30:00 PM

Pitanje koje mi ljudi najčešće postavljaju na Instagramu (odmah posle "Kako obrađuješ slike?") glasi: šta se desilo u 04:40 ujutru? Što je i logično, jer se tamo zovem 04.40am. S obzirom na to da je moj broj pratilaca konačno dostigao famoznu brojku 4040, koju sam čekala radi simbolike, numerologije i gledanja u pasulj, red je da vam otkrijem priču iza mog imena.

(Samo da vas upozorim, možda se razočarate.)

Iza sedam mora i sedam gora, beše jedna devojčica koja imade Instagram.
Tada se nisam zvala ovako kao sad, već izabrah, u duhu izuzetne inventivnosti i originalnosti, username dunja_jo (zovem se Dunja Jovanović). Pošto sam tada bila stalker, baš kao i sada, provodila sam više vremena nego što smem da priznam gledajući druge profile. Pogotovo one koje su me inspirisali i koji su imali meni, tada neverovatne, umetničke fotke (u suštini, slike bilo čega iz okruženja te osobe, ali sa nekim VSCO filterom).
Par takvih profila je imalo username kao neko vreme - što je meni od pre par godina bilo jaako kul. Odlučih da budem alternativna i uradim to i ja, samo što mi se isprečio jedan minoran detalj - koje vreme da uzmem? Nije baš da, čim mi se nešto bitno desi, bacam sve i trčim da vidim koliko je sati.
Jedina stvar za koju znam tačno kad se desila, a da je važna, da ne kažem prva kojoj sam prisustvovala je kad sam se rodila. Stoji mi u dokumentima, crno na belo.
Dopalo mi se i kako izgleda, onako, simetrično je, tako da - prvi put, drugi put, treći put.. prodato.

Eto, sad znate.
A ako vas zanima i kako & zašto sam počela sa Instagramom i pravljenjem slika koje možete da vidite na mom feed-u - kliknite OVDE.

Question I get the most on Instagram, right after "How do you edit your photos?" is what happened at 04:40 AM. And since my username is 04.40am, I totally get it. I've waited to reach 4040 followers, because, you know, it's symbolic and whatnot, and since I finally got there, fasten your seat belts & get ready to hear a story.

(Maybe a little disappointing story, though.)

Once upon a time, one little girl made an Instagram account.
At first, I, at that time strikingly creative & inventive individual, chose a username dunja_jo (because my name is Dunja Jovanović). Iconic (just kidding) 04.40am wasn't there from the start. Back then, I was a stalker, just as I am now, and I spent more time than I would like to admit on accounts that inspired me and I thought were so creative (which were mostly taking photos of everything and anything around them, but with VSCO filters).
Some of these accounts had (or still have? no idea) an username like a certain time, which I thought was SO cool back then. So yo girl decided to do that as well. There was a minor problem, though - I had no idea what time to choose. It's not like I rush to see what exact time is it every time something important happens. The only thing I knew when happened, and it was important (or should I say the first I've encountered) is when I was born. It's in my documents as well, so there's no lie or fake info.
I also liked the way it looks, symmetric and stuff, so I knew it - 04.40am it is.

So, now you know.
And if you wonder how & why I started Instagram and making edits - click HERE.

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